Tips to Avoid "Maskne"


During the COVID 19 Pandemic, wearing a mask has become the new norm. For acne prone skin, this can wreak havoc on the skin. Not only is there is irritation from the mask rubbing on our sensitive skin, but the lack of ventilation can lead to growth of bacteria 🡪 breakouts. As mask wearing will be in our lives for the unforeseeable futures, here are some tips to help alleviate and even avoid ‘Maskne’:

1) Change masks daily (Just like out undergarments, we need to change these out often. If you are wearing cloth masks I recommended wearing disposable masks underneath and changing that out daily)

2) Be consistent and deliberate with product application (Always remember to take the time to apply products, no rushing!)

3) Pay attention to acne triggers in lifestyle and diet choices (This is something we can control)

4) Aquaphor (apply to areas where the mask is irritating the skin, this will not break you out)

5) Ice (Ice any areas of inflammation, this will help with the swelling!)

6) No makeup (highly recommend going makeup free under the mask, this will help minimize breakouts!)